
We all have different seasons that we enjoy. Some people like spring because of the blooming flowers. Some people love summer because they get an extended vacation from reality and get to spend more time with family at the pool and BBQ! Then there’s those that love the winter because the winter is usually around Christmas and they like the snow, hot cocoa and of course gift giving. And we all Know that fall is the first indicator of the holiday season which includes Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. – basically lots of sweets!

Those are only pertaining to weather.

As Human Beings we have our very own seasons in life. Seasons of ups and downs, trials and tribulations and unforgettable God moments whether we know it or not! We love the good times for sure, but if we are in a season that we don’t necessarily care too much about, we find ourselves complaining and using the phrase, “I can’t wait for life be back to normal!” This season is frustrating and not to my liking!

I really think that seasons in our life function similar to how our weather functions, well kinda. We are in Texas, but in our own storms, we can become very impatient with something that could possibly be good for our maturity and truly a growth spurt for us becoming the best version of ourselves. But I know, in that moment, it just doesn’t feel good, and because we are human, we can have seasons feel cold and dark like the winter. I personally dislike the winter and all of its cold shenanigans! I am from Southern California where most of the time when we aren’t shaking (earthquakes), we can almost predict the weather is going to be 70 and breezy! Pretty cool right? But on our personalized seasons that we must go through, it feels like every little thing is going wrong and we will not get out of this unhappy place because it seems almost unbearable in the moment.

But let’s think about a tree during those cold times of the year. During those cold months you can possibly have ice storms, snowstorms and maybe even have branches fall off of these trees because of the pressure, along with many other aspects of those winter months. It really looks as if the tree will never recover (well, most trees), but as we fast forward into spring if we look in that same spot where the tree with the beautiful leaves once existed you’ll find that, even though it had lots of winter time, it still kept its root and now it’s growing again and never died. A complete freeze of the winter helps with all of the pollen and other allergies that we are usually affected by. I was once told this by my brother, Brandon Bell. You see as we go through seasons of not being comfortable, we must look to those spring moments in our lives that are waiting for us and also remember that if we are rooted in Christ, we can overcome and survive anything! I like Colossians 2:6-7:

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

We are very much like a tree and need the endurance to stand firm through whatever season God blesses us to be apart of! And he gives us that. People of God, we are strong and have tough skin. He told us he would never leave us and and never forsake us and has proven himself over and over again!

One thing that I am learning in my walk is not letting a bad season dictate my future because seasons come and go. And I still have to stand firm with my root (Jesus) in mind. God is still requiring me to breathe life into the world through him. To produce the things he has allowed to flourish. From my weaving through those bad seasons something has to come out of it sometimes, right? A tree always blooms at the right time and in the right season. So let’s remember that as God made the trees, he also made us and He has given us all jobs to do in this world and we must believe that we can do it when we understand not just in our minds, but also in our hearts that he is the root! Stay Rooted! Let’s say it together: “1,2,3 STAY ROOTED!”

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101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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