
Here at SOCC we have so many diverse things like race, ethnicity, age, background, etc. that make us individuals in our own way. I also know that there can be several things that we can have in common, but the one thing that sticks out to me is the fact that we are on the same mission to Love God, Love others and maintain a sense of community and togetherness amongst our church. Community is extremely important in any group that is aiming for the same goal. You know the bigger picture. A group of people who have different opinions, but can agree on a mission that lives out that one true purpose!

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“Raise A Hallelujah”

I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me

I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive!

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We all have different seasons that we enjoy. Some people like spring because of the blooming flowers. Some people love summer because they get an extended vacation from reality and get to spend more time with family at the pool and BBQ! Then there’s those that love the winter because the winter is usually around Christmas and they like the snow, hot cocoa and of course gift giving. And we all Know that fall is the first indicator of the holiday season which includes Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. – basically lots of sweets!

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As a Christian, it is important to grow, to evolve, and to be different versions of yourself, all in an effort to please God. I think that as Christians we find ourselves trapped into thinking that we have arrived as far as faith goes. We sometimes hit a wall and think our work is finished in the kingdom, but our work is never done because the world always needs a savior and the body of Christ always needs vessels to be amongst people of the world. What am I getting at here? Well, sometimes we can get so caught in one identity our entire Christian walk and never leave room for God to change us completely, and for him to give us new experiences.

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Twelve Hundred Hearts, Twelve Hundred Voices Strong!

During the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend I had the opportunity to help in leading worship at an event in Panama City, Florida called “Gulf Coast Getaway”. This is a conference that it focused on the spiritual lives of College students from all across the United States. When the opportunity came to help in leading worship there I immediately agreed to going. I felt that God had this set aside as one of my many missions in ministry.

The conference took place at the Edgewater Beach Resort and it started on Friday and ended on Sunday night with a total of 5 Sessions. The Speaker was Don McLaughlin who is a dynamic Preacher and Senior Minister at North Atlanta Church of Christ. This particular weekend was the most powerful/intentional weekend that I’d experienced in a long time. There was a sweet spirit of oneness in the room every time we came together.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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