Minister Blog

A Good Investment

Being in my 60’s I do think about investments every now and then; it’s hard not to in our culture. I get bombarded all the time with information about the stock market, interest rates and how I should be saving for the future. Then I read a passage like Matthew 6:19-21 for a true prospective about the most important investments.

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Just Another Blog

Have you ever “had to” do something? I have…every day. Every day I have to get out of bed, walk my dog Greta, feed Greta, make coffee, get ready for work, drive to work, etc. The things we have to do are necessary for daily living. We have to feed ourselves, feed others, go to school and work, we have to bathe and get dressed. We have to pay the bills, put gasoline in the car, pick up the kids from school, and mow the lawn. Essentially, the “have to” items on our lists are the chores that make us responsible each day. Recently, Continue reading »

Large Scale Baptisms In An Unlikely Place

I recently attended the Gateway Conference in Southlake. Gateway is a non-denominational mega church with multiple sites in the Metroplex, and one that most would consider “charismatic”.

Jimmy Evans gave a powerful and surprising message as a keynote speaker that I want to share. He taught on Revelation chapters 1 & 2, where Jesus warned and encouraged the churches in Asia, and this message focused primarily on the message to Ephesus. To paraphrase, Jesus says that He sees their good works, their perseverance, and that basically they’re “doing church” really well. However, He warns them that they have left their first love. So without genuine and deep love for God and for others, they are just going through the religious motions of church. Jesus then warns them that if they don’t repent and return, He will remove their lampstand from its place. In reference to the end of Chapter 1, we see that a removal of their lampstand implies a removal of the presence of Jesus.

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We all have different seasons that we enjoy. Some people like spring because of the blooming flowers. Some people love summer because they get an extended vacation from reality and get to spend more time with family at the pool and BBQ! Then there’s those that love the winter because the winter is usually around Christmas and they like the snow, hot cocoa and of course gift giving. And we all Know that fall is the first indicator of the holiday season which includes Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. – basically lots of sweets!

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Faith for a New Generation and The Culture Change Required

In the 1st Century Roman world of the New Testament, children didn’t have a lot of rights and the old saying of kids should be seen but not heard was the way of life for youth. They were educated, but getting to be in the presence of Christ or mature religious leaders was something kids were discouraged from by most.

When Jesus entered into this world and became human He challenged that perspective by not only allowing kids to approach Him and take His time but encouraging His disciples and His followers to be more like them.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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