Inspiring Quotes on Leadership

A few years ago I attended a ministers’ conference with Craig Groeschel who started Life Church (LifeChurch.TV). Craig gave an inspiring message about the lessons in leadership he had learned along the way. I believe he had a list of about 10, but 3 were so good that I committed them to memory. I’d like to share those with you and give a little application for each.

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The Little Drummer Boy

According to my wife, it’s a guy thing. I’ll be standing in front of the pantry asking her “are we out of Nutella already?” She’ll reply, “No, it’s right there in the pantry, middle shelf”. “No it’s not” I reply. She then makes her frustrated way to the pantry, grabs the jar of Nutella that was literally right in front of me and places it firmly in my hand as her eyes roll. It was right there in front of me, but somehow I didn’t see it. Sound familiar to you?

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Large Scale Baptisms In An Unlikely Place

I recently attended the Gateway Conference in Southlake. Gateway is a non-denominational mega church with multiple sites in the Metroplex, and one that most would consider “charismatic”.

Jimmy Evans gave a powerful and surprising message as a keynote speaker that I want to share. He taught on Revelation chapters 1 & 2, where Jesus warned and encouraged the churches in Asia, and this message focused primarily on the message to Ephesus. To paraphrase, Jesus says that He sees their good works, their perseverance, and that basically they’re “doing church” really well. However, He warns them that they have left their first love. So without genuine and deep love for God and for others, they are just going through the religious motions of church. Jesus then warns them that if they don’t repent and return, He will remove their lampstand from its place. In reference to the end of Chapter 1, we see that a removal of their lampstand implies a removal of the presence of Jesus.

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Surprise Me Prayers

I was in a rut last spring semester, but one day stood out in such a memorable way. On my drive to the CCC I listened to a sermon on prayer by Francis Chan. I was so moved, that I decided to scrap everything on my to-do list that morning and spend the entire morning in prayer. Well, it was a game changer!

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Spiritual Beings and Human Experiences

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

I heard this quote a few years back, and it is strikingly profound. The Bible clearly supports this truth from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden all the way through to the Revelation of the Heavenly realm to the Apostle John.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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