To Mexico City and Back

For my first mission trip, I had no idea what to expect. I always heard about the great life changing experiences everyone got to have, so I decided to give it a try. I believe I had a rough start, but I had faith in God everything would settle into its place.

The first morning began as my worst nightmare. Time was ticking, impatience was starting to kick in, when all of a sudden Andrés realized I did not have the proper document of approval from my parents to travel. Just thinking to myself I wouldn’t be able to go on this trip broke my heart into pieces. I was looking forward to so much, I didn’t know what to do. As soon as the word got around to the group, everyone was doing anything they could to help with the situation. I can’t explain the feeling it was to see so many people care for my participation on this trip. This truly made me realize God works miracles, which one being the opportunity to join the rest of an amazing group on this journey.

A large part of our time spent in Mexico was working with the church to help with Vacation Bible School. Each day we would wake up early and walk to the church, giving us time to bond and have quick intimate conversations before the beginning of VBS. Their theme for the summer was “Connect with Jesus.” I was amazed seeing almost over 60 kids excited to have the opportunity of being there. We began with the kids dancing to a few theme songs, “You are King” becoming everyone’s favorite. After that, we were split into our groups, each one having their own creative name like Technokids, Gamers, Microchips, or Cybernauts. We got to participate in a few activities with the kids, watch plays, and even exercise! Their focus of the lessons was spending more time with God and the bible, instead of getting caught up on social media, technology and our devices. Above all, with so many things to fit into one week, we were able to impact others including adults and children by showing and sharing the love of God just how Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19:

“Therefore go make disciples of all nations..”

Apart from that, I felt God placed me on this trip to make a difference as I have the gift of being bilingual. Never had I had so many people ask for my help because of their different language barriers. I did struggle when I was put under pressure, which made me doubt my ability of translating. Especially on Wednesday night, when we were invited to attend the Women’s Reunion. I was asked to translate to my teammates who would be at the service, but I wasn’t confident in myself just yet. Psalm 121:3 says, “He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber.” And soon enough, I knew God would put my skills to work by giving me another opportunity, which was to translate a private prayer. As soon as I was given the chance to, I took it. Although it was nerve wrecking, I knew He would help me get through this as He has never left my side.

One of my favorite parts was how kind, thoughtful, and hospitable everyone was towards one another. No matter what each family had going on, they welcomed us with open arms and a great home. We dedicated one afternoon to hand out flyers inviting others to church service, which was a great blessing. It brought me closer to getting to know them, their kids, and how they came to know of Christ. I felt God’s hand being placed over us, especially as our groups’ efforts impacted so tremendously, that 3 of our sisters made the decision to accept Jesus as their Savior. In doing this, we honor the commandment in Matthew 28:19:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..”

In the end, I would like to say this mission trip was life changing. It was an eye opening experience because I am an ordinary person just as much as anyone else, but I believe God has a plan for us to do so much more than we expect in this world. Never shall I forget that everything we do is for Him. I am doing this for God; to share His word and let others know He is here.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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