How many times have we doubted to start something in favor of God’s glory, waiting for the Lord to do something that’ll specifically let us know when the right moment is to act?
In the book of Joshua 3:14-16 we can see the moment in which for a second time the Lord shows His control over the bodies of water, this time at the Jordan Rover, right before the people of Israel enter the “Promised Land”.
So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away”
It turns out that the people that were with Joshua in the adventure of conquering the promised land were not the same that had bothered Moses for 40 years in the desert. That past generation, according to the Lord’s own testimony, was a wicked generation, completely lacking faith. These new people, however, had learned from the beatings; probably the importance of obeying Jehovah’s commandments. Even so, the challenge the Lord placed before them did not stop involving true elements of risk, as it happens today in any adventure of faith. The instruction the Lord had given to Joshua were for the priests to take the Ark and cross the Jordan. He let them know that the river would split before them, giving way to all the people with them. However, the priests had to enter the waters and wet their feet before the promised miracle could happen.
Let’s freeze that precise moment when the priests’ feet enter the waters and it hits their ankles. That is the previous instant to the Lord’s divine intervention, that moment in which we are more likely to abandon projects we want to do. That moment in which doubts overtake us and fear takes over our heart. God has promised to split the waters, but we are already at the river and nothing is happening yet. If we continue, maybe we’ll have to swim. Did we interpret correctly what He wanted us to do? And as if it wasn’t enough, we don’t have similar past experiences as examples to encourage our faith. If we pay attention, none of who were present, except Joshua and Caleb, had seen God’s control over the waters to give way to the chosen people.
We love the ending of the story, when with great joy everyone finds themselves on the other side of the river. We like to be counted among the ones who celebrate joyful for what God has done. Nevertheless, it’s only a few that are willing to “wet their feet”, in other words, to give it all for it all. For those “crazy” projects, especially when the risky part is at the highest. This stage in the adventure is probably the most uncomfortable one for the disciple, for he is at risk of being embarrassed in front of everyone else. However, it is at that precise moment that you can tell the difference in a compromised Christian. He does not doubt in moving forward with the things the Lord has placed before him. Like Joshua, he does not pay attention to the scared voices that rise inside him. Rather, is someone whom he knows perfectly and in whom he has put all his trust. Are you not so sure about taking the next step? Do it! The Lord invites you to follow Him, but you don’t know how your family will react? Follow Him! Do you want to serve in a ministry but are scared to do so? Go ahead and do it! Remember that only the brave will take the kingdom of the heavens and as someone said, “bravery is not the absence of fear, but the correct handling of fear”