
As we look back on this fantastic summer, and all the fun times we were able to experience, we are very thankful for the ways we have grown and seen God work not only in this youth group, but in this congregation.

While this job may seem like fun and games most of the time (probably because it is), we have had a unique opportunity in ministry. While having friendships and connections already in place, the transition back to Denton for us interns was as smooth as it could have been. One of the best parts of the summer was who our coworkers were. Us 4 found out quickly what it was like to work with each other and developed a rhythm that would carry us through the summer.

Our team tackled tasks and we were able to easily plan events and finish office work, but the real challenge of this summer was taking on the spiritual obstacles that we faced as individuals and as a unit. One challenge that was presented to us early on in the summer was getting the middle-school kids connected to the whole youth group. There was a small incoming 7th grade class, and a group of 8th graders who were still tentative on how willing they were to get involved. This seemed like an uphill battle we were having to fight and it caused frustration and made us rethink the way we were ministering to the younger kids. A big turning point in this battle was Basic Training. This event and the bonding that went on allowed the younger kids to emerge from their shells and feel comfortable with older kids in the youth group. We could literally see the transformation some kids went through as they had fun and were able to fully experience fellowship through all the fun, love, and encouragement. The change we saw in some of those kids set the tone for the rest of the summer and allowed them to go out of their comfort zone and form better relationships within the youth group.

The overarching theme we’ve seen this summer in the youth group is how encouraging everyone has been. Through small groups, events, worship, and prayer, the teens in this church have shown an overwhelming amount of love and appreciation for each other. The love these kids have for each other and for God is unrivaled and allows us to see how God’s love shines through other people. The light and the life we have witnessed continues to inspire us and fill us as we lead this youth group.

As this summer wraps up, we can look back on all the laughs and the fun we’ve had together and we know how hard it will be to go back to a normal school routine. Our prayer for this church and this youth group is that we continue to be on fire for Christ and continue to make disciples wherever we may go. We want to say thank you to all the Elders, Ministers, parents, and kids who made this summer one that none of us will ever forget.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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