
Last week was the beginning of The Story. In our worship service and Bible classes we heard and talked about the beginning of everything when a loving creator God finished his magnificent work by creating man and woman in his image. In the home groups we looked at God’s Big Idea. From the beginning He simply wanted and still wants to be with us, to walk with us in a loving relationship. What a blessing for His creation, but a blessing we chose to reject. This week the story continues with God making a big move. It’s the beginning of his plan to bring us back, a plan to BLESS the whole world.

This word, bless, stands out in the second chapter of The Story. It is used in various forms over 50 times in this part of Genesis. It stands for the promises of God and the goodness of His many gifts to mankind that go back even to creation (1:22, 28). The word especially jumps out where God promises to bless Abram and to bless those who bless him. Abram himself was to be a blessing to others and eventually everyone on the planet. As it turns out, all this comes true. He trusted and obeyed God and he was richly blessed: a home in a new land, wife and children (in old age), protection, deliverance, victories, possessions, and the father of nations. On the other hand he blessed many: his nephew Lot and family, his wife Sarah, his children, servants and neighbors like Abimelech. In the end he blessed us all with salvation through his greatest descendent, Jesus.

I want to be a blessing to others like Abraham was, and I think you do too. How do we accomplish that? There are so many good ways to bless people, but the ultimate blessing is in the gospel, the good news of salvation. We can bless others with this greatest of gifts through what some call, a “blessing strategy” summarized in 5 simple practices. It’s a way to be a blessing in a natural, relational way with the people you live and work with each day. Here it is:

B – Begin with prayer for how and whom God wants you to bless today.
L – Listen and be truly interested in those whom you live and work with.
E – Eat with those you are praying for and whom you are listening.
S – Serve and meet the needs of those whom you are building relationships.
S – Share the Story of God and how you found your way back through Jesus.

You can read more about this method in detail and download the free eBook at www.exponential.org/ebooks/discovermission/

Another simple way to bless is to invite someone to worship with us at Singing Oaks. I have always hoped that any guest would be blessed by coming here because of the many good things they experience. Especially now with the beginning and continuation of The Story, it’s a great time to invite a friend. Last week was Friend Day but really every Sunday in the coming weeks and months is a friend day that will bless. And don’t forget the home groups. This is a perfect opportunity to invite a neighbor and listen to their story, share your story and bless them with the most important story of all.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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