How important is water? If you go by the number of times water or words associated with water are mentioned in the Bible you have to rank it pretty high. From the very beginning to the very end, it is there. It is often mentioned in the context of deliverance, rescue, salvation or simply a wonderful blessing from God. Without it civilizations perish. Without it we die. Water is life.
Back in 2015 the Singing Oaks Church Walked 4 Water. We hoped to walk and raise enough money for one or two wells to be drilled somewhere in the world where people lack clean water. God blessed us with over $20,000, and we decided to use the money for wells in Tanzania where many walk far for even dirty water, especially in dry season.
A small group of us just came back from Tanzania to see firsthand our progress for this endeavor. We had several objectives, but a large part of the trip dealt with the water well project. On one day especially we spent all day dedicating two deep wells. Worship, preaching, speeches and sharing food dominated the official opening at the first well. It was a joyous occasion. The well should supply clean healthy water to hundreds of people for many years to come.
The second well dedication was also a great blessing. However, the site was more difficult for the driller. It was just hard to get a good well in this village. As some were giving speeches the local missionary mentioned the struggle of the drilling team. Then a member of that team, a Tanzanian, gave his version of the story. It was an emotional account of how they had drilled at 5 different sites in that village trying to find sufficient water and how most of the team wanted to quit and go home. In the end, he praised the perseverance, heart and spirit of the lead driller, a young man from California who would not leave until he found water for the village. We praise God for that team and for all who had a part in drilling that well.
Another great blessing that is happening and will be happening more in the future is the water sanitation training. The wells provide good clean water but a lot of contamination comes afterward as it is used. This training greatly improves the cleanliness of the water as it is used in and around the homes.
Moreover, as important as clean water is in the everyday life of Tanzanians we praise God for the greater objective being accomplished which is the giving of spiritual water to those who thirst for eternal life. The Bible is clear that this kind of water is of greater importance. It satisfies the greatest thirst. It wells up within us like a spring of water, fills us and according to Jesus even becomes like streams of living water flowing out to others. This spiritual water mentioned by Jesus in John chapter 7 was the coming Holy Spirit. That water transforms, empowers, and gives life to us and all who we share him with. That is the true living water that is now flowing around the wells in Tanzania!
We now have 3 shallow wells and 2 deep wells, one rehabilitated well, another one drilled with pipe in place, and three more expecting to be completed this year in villages near our churches. Four more sites are being researched for next year. All of this has been accomplished thus far with the money raised from that original Walk 4 Water two years ago. God has taken our monetary gift and truly multiplied it in Tanzania to bring to many this wonderful gift of life. We praise his great name!
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;…” Isaiah 55:1
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. Rev 22:17