Trusting the Path

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:19-20

This story has always baffled me. Peter dropped everything he knew to follow Jesus. He left his old way of life, dropping his net faithfully and unquestionably, to trust the path Christ set out for him. Peter didn’t know where he was going next; he just had to trust that Jesus would lead him to a good place. I don’t know about you, but I have always struggled with the idea of dropping my worldly net and blindly following Christ. I always blame it on the fact that I never know which first step to take in what direction. It’s in those times that I think of Peter. Maybe Peter had similar moments in his journey; maybe he had doubts too, but remembered that his steps were in the hands of the Creator, and knew God’s ways were good.

Following Christ’s footsteps wherever he calls me to go has led me to many (what I like to call) “God moments”, times where I feel God’s presence, hear His voice, or see His miracles at work. Trusting His path for me has led me to times of worship and praise on the 66 acres and finding solitude in the most unlikely places, finding a God moment in a Harding University classroom at college orientation, crying in front of a Bible professor (whom I did not even know the name of) and showing me Jesus through his wise words and kind heart. Lastly, trusting God’s path for me led me to this apprenticeship.

I had no idea what direction to go when summer started, let’s just say that Peter made dropping his net look way easier than it really is. I remember completely trusting God when applying for the apprenticeship, I had no idea what I was doing and I had no idea where God was leading me. I was out of my comfort zone and at times I doubted God’s plan for me, but I continued trusting the path God had set before me, and I am so grateful I did. I have never been more grateful for such an opportunity as this one. This apprenticeship helped me grow deeper relationships within the church, within the youth group, within the Hispanic ministry, with my own sister, and with coworkers who have profoundly and genuinely impacted my life.

I’ve seen the spirit of God at work this summer and I’ve watched His Spirit move through so many. I’ve seen so many people commit to a new life in Christ this summer, and each and every one has been a blessing to take part in. I knew God was going to be present in many ways this summer, but what I was not prepared for was the impact it would make on me, and the people around me. More specifically, my sister, Haley. I did not realize then that trusting God’s path for me back in March, and applying for this apprenticeship, would lead to positively impacting and influencing my sister’s faith, leading her to a new life in Christ. She too saw Christ’s calling and dropped her net, trusting in the new path that God has set out for her. And of all things, that has been the biggest blessing this summer.

This summer I learned that stepping out of my comfort zone and trusting His path for me will often lead to Godly moments. I’ve realized that it’s not about knowing where the path will lead or which direction to go, it’s about knowing that as long as you’re directed toward Christ, He will get you there. Like Peter trusting Jesus and following His path, I’ve dropped my net and trusted the path as well, and it has taken me on an overwhelming journey. My hope is that you learn to trust His path, dropping your net willingly and faithfully, and that it leads you to many “God moments” in your life. Mine sure did.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

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6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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