Most of the time, we live our lives dealing with immediate things. It is rare for us to step back, to revisit the big questions and to ask, “Why?” “Why am I here?” “And what on earth am I here for?” I think a lot of people never really ask these questions; they simply step into the various roles that they find themselves in, and find whatever satisfaction there is to be found. This can certainly be true if you lead a thoroughly secular lifestyle. However, it’s not just a problem of unbelievers. Even religious people can be shallow. We can find ourselves going through the motions in this way. We can find ourselves with trite answers to give to the world… answers that are unconvincing even to ourselves. That is why, again and again we need to go back and ask the fundamental questions, because out of the depths comes a fulfilling life.
The preaching theme for 2016 is, “The Big Question…What On Earth Am I Here For?” All year long, we will focus on understanding, and living out a purpose filled life. We will begin our first series in January, focusing on the bedrock questions, “The Big Questions.”
- “Is Your Faith In Kindergarten?”
- “Does Life Have A Purpose?”
- “Does God Exist?”
- “Can I find God?”
- “Why Is There Suffering?”
- “How Can I Face Suffering?”