Since the early chapters of Genesis, the whole creation has been in rebellion against God. Ours is a lost world, however, every once in a while, culture throws us a bone and the “imago dei,” the “image of God”, which is in each and every person on this earth, comes out and moves culture towards God. Throughout history we have seen this as people all over the planet seek to eradicate some injustice such as slavery, genocide, the inhumane treatment of women and children, racism, etc. After all, this is what God is all about, the reconciliation of Humanity and His creation back to a peaceful existence with each other and Himself. Interestingly enough followers of Christ sometimes see these cultural shifts happening and instead of seeing an opportunity to connect humanity with the Christ story, we instead find ourselves caught up in the anti-religious rhetoric that culture sometimes uses as it seeks to fight these injustices. Here is a contemporary example of what I am talking about.
As a Christian I believe that God created the world. I also believe that God instructed Adam to work the land and take care of it. A few hundred years later we discover that man is doing the exact opposite, so God washes the earth and then instructs Noah to rule over it and take care of it again. A few hundred years later we see God sending his chosen people into the promise land and explaining to them that the Land will “vomit out” the current inhabitants because of how they have abused the land. God then gives this land to his people to work and take care of. We even discover Jesus using parables and illustrations to communicate to his followers that if we take care of what God’s given us and multiply the resources that he entrust us with that He will bless us.
As Christians we also believe that we are Aliens in a foreign land. That we are not the owners of this world nor are we the permanent inhabitants, but we are guests, sometimes unwanted, in this foreign place. As guests representing God to these people, it is of utmost priority that we show Godly love and hospitality to those who are hosting us. As strangers on a mission, it is important for us to connect with this culture in meaningful ways for the sole purpose of helping people connect with God’s mission.
Christians! The world has thrown us a bone! The culture is using the language of “Going Green.” It’s being used all over the world to call people into taking care of this place that we have been given. It is a call to be accountable to the resources that we consume and the effects that consumption is having on the poor and disadvantaged of this world. This is a message that resonates with God’s call for us to live in peace, a peace that means more than just the absence of conflict, a peace that embodies the spirit of God’s call for things to work together as they should.
This summer we are inviting our community to send their kids to our church for a Vacation Bible School. We are using the cultural language and spirit of “Going green” to help communicate the truth of God’s creation and desire to call things into His redemption. Our town recycles, puts up wind turbines, and promotes “green living” and sustainable building practices. Our culture has opened a door that we Christians can walk through to grab a hold of their passion and teach them that God has this same desire in His heart. He loves his creation and wants us to help him redeem it.