G.O. There

Go there. Get Out There.

Why? Because you are a gift that was given for the good of the humanity. Why should you G.O. and get out there? Because you were made to make a difference in this world. Why should you go?

Because “You are the salt of the earth …”

Last month I was humbled and excited to have a chance to speak before the church at Singing Oaks. It was a thrilling and terrifying experience. I tried to figure out what I would say. But no sooner than I tried to figure out what I would say I had a little crisis of confidence. At Singing Oaks we have no shortage of good presenters. We are blessed because of the quality of ministers who can share the gospel. I began to have doubts about saying yes to this opportunity. You see, I know who I am. I am a singer. I am NOT a preacher. I am the son of a preacher but that apple fell off the tree and rolled a really long way down a really steep hill.

At this time of crisis I was severely lacking confidence. I started to feel a bit like another basket case, Moses. I couldn’t figure where to begin. In front of large crowds, just like Moses, my tongue gets all tied up. But eventually I stopped trying to be cute and clever and witty and simply asked God to give me the words. And WOW! He sure did.

Because “You are the light of the world …”

I have heard it said that people are less afraid of Death and Rattlesnakes than speaking in public. I get that. But does that give us a pass on putting ourselves out there?

Putting ourselves out there is a risk.

It is a huge gamble. I remember the day I met my wife. I saw her 13 years ago as I pulled into the main drive of the college campus. I knew right away that I needed to know her. So I dropped off my bags in my dorm room, put on some fresh deodorant and a spray of my favorite cologne. As I started “the walk of destiny” to the girl’s dormitory I got the sweats followed by a huge chill and a full blown case of the nerves. I wanted so badly to make a good first impression that I gave myself a little pep talk. With each step I encouraged myself to “man up” and make this girl mine. I tried to be cool but when your knees are knocking as bad as mine were just putting one foot in front of the other was a pretty large accomplishment. As I drew closer I rehearsed in my mind what I would say. Should I say “Hey” or “Hi” or “Hello” or “What’s up?” Once I settled on my salutation I tried to swallow the bull frog in my throat and introduce myself to the stranger I now call my wife.

I have heard the expression closed mouths don’t get fed. Maybe in my case it should say closed mouths don’t get wed. I’m glad I took a risk and spoke my heart but what if I hadn’t taken my chance because I risked looking like a fool. I would be without the experience of God’s blessing that comes from a happy marriage. I would be without some of my happiest moments of my life. I would not have two of the most adorable children in the whole world. I wouldn’t have experienced and shared all the blessings that God had designed for me all because I was afraid. What blessing is God waiting to bestow to you?

Let your light shine that they might see…

It is a big deal to be out front. Sometimes it’s terrifying to live out loud. But this is who we are. This is who we were made to be. We are not people made to be hidden. We are not people who live in fear and trepidation. We are a people who spread blessings and love. We are a people who go and get out there. We are salt and light and we bring so much flavor to the world. So the next time when you want to sit it out and say “No,” remember who you are, get up, get out and GO!

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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