Collide – an appropriate verb for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in a world declaring that a Jesus follower does not have to choose between faith and the society, but that a follower of Jesus may have it all despite the consequences. How does an older elementary child/pre-teen or “tween” follow Jesus while the world is determined to distract them in every way? Our children are constantly finding themselves in collision with peers, culture, and extracurricular activities. They are consumed with being busy. They are even more occupied with activity than their parents were at their age, and now parents are living more hectic lives than their own parents.

Collide1On February 10-11, twelve 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from Singing Oaks decided to COLLIDE with 140 other children from eleven DFW area churches of Christ on a retreat at the Mt. Lebanon Encampment in Cedar Hill. Once they arrived at the camp, they made the choice to collide with Jesus instead of the world. They sang praises to Jesus, prayed to God with open hands, and disengaged from the world. They took time to be alone with God and each other. All of these children made the choice to leave behind extracurricular weekend sports, video games, and TV. They chose to intentionally experience challenges, small group discussions, and fellowship centered on their faith.

Collide5As a sponsor, I experienced collision with my faith as well. Witnessing so many tweens worshipping together, playing together, praying together, and pushing each other to face their fears overwhelmed and surprised me. Not only did they push each other, they also pushed me to face my fears. Our main challenge event was the zip line. I did not intend to go on the zip line. I had completed the zip line challenge twice during team building events in my prior life at the Impact Houston church and while it is completely exhilarating, it is also completely terrifying! As soon as our SOCC kids completed the zip line, they asked if I was going to go on the zip line. As the newbie Children’s Minister, I, of course, want to prove myself to the kids. But, as my knees began shaking half-way up the staircase to the platform of the zip line, I almost turned around to accept defeat and the looks of disappointment from the children whose approval I so desperately needed. Then the chanting began…Miss Laurie, Miss Laurie, Miss Laurie. I continued my ascent with trepidation. The facilitator connected my harness to the belay, told me to sit on the edge, and began counting to three. On two, I asked her to begin again as I listened to the now shouting chant of “Miss Laurie, Miss Laurie.” With my heart pounding in my chest, I leaned forward, and with a light push from the facilitator, swung out onto the zip line! As I belted out a “Woohoo!” from deep within, the kids screamed in excitement! It was AWESOME!!!

Collide2I know the kids learned more about their faith; I know they experienced the camaraderie and fellowship found when among other believers; I know they know that we are all in this together; I know they know WE ARE A TEAM. As we continue to collide with the world, my hope for our SOCC tweens and their families is that our collisions do not set us off the course towards the prize of eternity with the Father. The challenge that I and the children of SOCC deliver to our community of faith is to be fearless as you intentionally seek to COLLIDE with Jesus.


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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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