The Parable of the Fearful Christian

Again, it will be like a business owner going on a trip, who called his staff and entrusted them with the management and decision making of the company. To the first he gave control over the research and marketing and the future direction of the company, to the second he gave control and management of the facilities and equipment, and to the third he gave control of the workers and overview of the assembly plant. He gave each a responsibility according to their strong suits so that the company would continue to be successful. The staff member to whom he entrusted with the research and marketing put together a great plan and marketing campaign and increased orders by 100%. The man to whom he gave control of the facilities and equipment upgraded the infrastructure and increase efficiency to handle all new orders while maintaining the same bottom line. But the staff member who received control of the workers did not train the workers or help the workers deal with logistic issues and the company was not able to produce the products that it had committed to produce.

After a long time the owner returned to see how the business he had built and entrusted to his staff was doing. The man who was entrusted with the research and marketing came to the owner and said, “Sir, I have increased our orders by 100% and I have made the product better than before.” The owner replied, “Good job. I have put you in charge of one area and now you will be over many.” And he granted partial ownership of the company to him.

The staff member who was in control of the facilities and equipment came to the owner and said, “Sir, I have upgraded the infrastructure and increased efficiency to handle all new orders while maintaining the same bottom line. The owner replied, “Good job. I have put you in charge of one area and now you will be over many.” And he granted partial ownership of the company to him.

The staff member who was put over the workers and overview of the assembly plant was nowhere to be found. When the owner found the third staff member he asked, “What is going on?” The third staff member replied, “I was afraid of the apocalypse and that I might die or be tortured. I was scared that the government would try to take away my happy life and that communism would destroy the company’s ability to make money. So for the last few months I have been working tirelessly to build this underground bunker, fill it with food and water, and store up an arsenal to protect my life and my property from all the humans out there that might want it. See, I am hiding my light, storing away my talents, and protecting all the things you have given me over the years. Are you not proud?”

The owner looked stunned. He replied, “Selfish, good-for-nothing fool! I have always taken care of you. I have given you this land and your job, and I have entrusted you with my business. I have always promised you safety, care and support. And this is what you choose to do with the time I have given you? You have trained no one to do the work! We are not producing any fruit! You should have at least emailed me and given power over to someone else so that at least some fruit was being produced.”

“Take all that I have given away from him. For whoever has will be given more and in abundance. Whoever fears, hides and protects what moth, rust, and age will destroy will have it taken from them. Fire that worthless member of my staff and throw them out on the street!”

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

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6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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