We live in a culture of fear. The nightly news brings high-definition images of earthquakes, wars and pandemics into our living rooms. The Internet is like a planet-wide nervous system that keeps us constantly, globally connected and on edge. Especially since 9/11, we have become even more anxious, and this anxiety has only been heightened further by the market crash two years ago.
We are fearful of nature (global warming and environmental destruction). We are fearful of economic uncertainty. We are fearful of other religions (particularly Islam). Basically, we are afraid of anything that we can’t control and anything that might threaten our safety.
In response to this, our society has made an idol out of “Security.” One manifestation of this is our Department of Homeland “Security.” We are constantly warned of dangers that we cannot control; access to our public places is controlled more and more by metal detectors, security guards and checkpoints. Yet with all of our wealth and technology and power we still can’t make this planet “safe.” We still can’t control the world.
How should Christians respond to all this? As Christians we know better than to worship the idol of Security. We know that life is fragile. We know that ultimately, death is certain. We know that all the money, military might and medical technology in the world can’t eliminate all threats to our well being. Thus, I believe that right now, the greatest witness that Christians can give… the greatest testimony we can share is to live lives that are not consumed by fear of death, to live as people who have an eternal destiny and to have faith that God holds us and our future in His hands. If we can do that, then we have something to offer that this world craves.