The Lord Will Provide

That phrase goes back to the time of Abraham. It’s the name of the place where God provided a ram to be offered instead of his son Isaac and is one of the great stories of the Bible. We serve a God who provides abundantly for his people and all creatures in so many different ways.

I see this working out all the time in our benevolence ministry. Food seems to appear! Bread just shows up in the community room most weeks. Other times it comes from different businesses or an “angel” that brings it from Our Daily Bread. Our stock of staple foods, can goods, beans and rice, cereal and the like is always adequate or full. Each week baskets from around the church building are collected and brought into the store. In the end the only thing I have to do is open the door and everything is there. Also every Thursday there are 5 boxes of fresh organic vegetables sitting on the counter. And during certain seasons, food just appears in large bags either in our office area or on tables in the community room — even today while writing I walked over and found about 600 cans of green beans and corn in 3 shopping carts inside the door of our pantry. It’s all pretty amazing. We have never run out of food and I doubt we ever will.

The clothes are the same way. They show up everywhere – outside, inside, upside down side! It is amazing how they multiply. We have a hard time keeping up. When they overflow, and they do, we donate to a ministry that supports single moms and orphans.

Of course I know where most (but not all) of the food and clothes come from. It doesn’t miraculously appear. It comes from generous people, usually church members, who give of their time and money. One brings the bread in the back of his pickup, another travels all over this town looking for food bargains to keep the pantry full. Others put their food in the hallway baskets. Many drop off clothing and many very very nice people volunteer in food and clothing distribution. So I pretty much know our sources, But, I can still say that God is behind all of it. He is the one moving people to give and serve to make this ministry work at Singing Oaks, a ministry that continues to touch many many lives in Denton.

He is the Lord who provides. He meets our needs (Matthew 6:33; Philippians 4:19). He fills us with good things (Romans 15:13; Psalm 107:9). He even fills to overflowing (Psalm 23:5; Romans 15:13). He truly provides all we need to live a full and abundant life in him (John 10:10).

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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