Thank You

I’d like to tell you how much we appreciate the food items you bring to church and leave with us for our food pantry. This helps me reduce the number of trips to the grocery store for purchasing food. Some have asked me if I preferred cash or groceries. I prefer groceries. Your dollars purchase just as many items as I can with the same dollars.

We have noticed a downturn in the number of people coming in for groceries. This is true throughout the other benevolence agencies in town. Denton’s unemployment is at 4.0%, the lowest it has ever been. We average about 20 families a week needing food. Even though the numbers are down, this is still a lot of groceries coming off our shelves.

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Bicycle Ministry

Most of our long time members know the history of our bicycle ministry. For the new members I’d like to give a brief update regarding this important part of our benevolence ministry.

The ministry began when a person eating lunch at our Daily Bread was talking about needing a bike to get around Denton. Jerry Browder was volunteering that day and was able to connect to this person and agreed to find him a bike. This person’s brother had to hitch hike or walk to Lewisville daily to work a minimum wage job.

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Have No Fear

I’ve had a tough time the past couple of months with anxiety and depression. We experience life in varying stages of normal. The problem for me is that I tend to dwell on the hurt part of life experiences and it leaves me with quite a challenge for finding a healthy mental solution. The following thoughts were found online and deal with answers regarding how to control anxiety and depression. These are not easy answers and will take a lot of prayer and consideration on my part to successfully use.

The King James Dictionary defines happiness as the agreeable sensation which springs from the enjoyment of good; that state of being in which his desires are gratified, by the enjoyment of pleasure without pain, etc. To a person distressed with pain, relief from that pain affords happiness; in other cases we give the name happiness to positive pleasure. Happiness admits to an indefinite degree of increasing joy, or gratification of desires. Perfect happiness or pleasure unalloyed with pain, is not attainable in this life.

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Holy Spirit

Ray Pritchard has written a book covering the Names of the Holy Spirit in Scripture. He writes that the Holy Spirit is referred to as (1) The Anointing, (2) Deposit, (3) Seal, (4) Spirit of the Living God, (5) Water, (6) Oil, (7) Fire, (8) Wind, (9) Servant, (10) Counselor and seventy six more.

The Holy Spirit is a much discussed part of the Word of God. But, to many of us it is a mystery. He is the hidden member of the Trinity. The Father we know, the Son we know, but what about the Holy Spirit? Many believers don’t understand who He is, why He came, or what He does in the world today. Fewer still understand the vital role He plays in our daily Christian life.

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Merry Christmas and Thank You

We currently have 59 Singing Oaks members volunteering in the Benevolence Ministry. Volunteers are asked to help one time per month and some volunteer more than once a month.

The benevolence ministry could not exist without your help. Tuesday morning volunteers are busy sorting, counting, hanging and bagging items selected by our Clothing Room clients.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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