Questions the church should be asking

Short lived were the days when culture and Christianity were so in-line that no one needed to really explain what it meant to be a Christian. “Everyone” believed in God, right? The question of that bygone era was which type of Christianity did you adhere too? What was the right thing to believe about God? People knew what it meant to be a Christian. It meant to be an American, not a communist, and to be a member of a church.

However, did you know that in 1954 the phrase “under God” was added to the pledge of allegiance? Before then it wasn’t in there. Did you know that in 1956 the phrase “In God We Trust” was placed on American money for the first time? Before then it wasn’t there. Did you know that the United States Constitution contains no reference to God?

I ask these questions because until I learned actual history I had no idea. I don’t know where I picked this up but I believed for a long time that United States of America was Christian. Sure it was problematic, but nevertheless it seemed that current cultural problems, and the fragmenting of our nation’s political system, was due in part to the rejection of God and His divine building of our country. I still believe that this is the case; however, I don’t believe that the rejection of God happened sometime after the 1950’s.

I believe that most countries, flags, or tribes have always subscribed their success or their failures to a god. But trying to wed the U.S. world dominance and our individualized democratic republic ideals to God’s Kingdom isn’t what Christians should do. After all, the Christianization of Rome through Constantine in the late 200’s, the Edict of Milan in 313, the Catholic Control of South American Nations starting in the 1490’s, 1950’s and 1960’s Christianization in the U.S. as a reaction to communism and others proves this approach to be a failure. We shouldn’t be asking how we Christian’s can change or influence the government should we? Did Jesus?

Here is what I think we should be asking today and pretty much every day we interact with culture:

  1. What does it mean to be a Christ follower?
  2. Where do I see God Moving today? How might I describe it?
  3. What turns people off from Christianity?
  4. What is the role of the church in the world today?
  5. What tools is the church (am I) using to fulfill that role?
  6. What do I value the most about my relationship with God? Why?
  7. What is God wanting to do with me and my church family for His Kingdom’s sake?

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Denton, TX 76209



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