Growing Pains

2018 has been a year of reflection for me. I was born almost 40 years ago this Juneteenth. I’m not approaching this milestone with trepidation, but with a mix of relief and anticipation. I never expected to reach 40 years for some reason. As a teenager, I couldn’t wait to be 30. For some reason I thought 30 would be the year in life when I had it all figured out, whatever that means. I never wanted to be 40 and not have it all figured out, yet here I almost am. I think the number 40 is significant to me and all of us believers because the number is significant to our faith story. 40 days and nights on the ark with Noah, 40 years wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites, and then 40 days in the wilderness with Jesus. The number 40 represents growing pains for God’s people. The number 40 represents God’s growing pains for us. The number 40 also represents God’s persistent patience and presence with us. If God is able to stick with us through 40 seconds, 40 minutes, 40 days, 40 nights, 40 months, and 40 years, then God is obviously willing and committed to sticking with us throughout life.

Our church is well over 40 years, and I believe we are in the middle of growing pains. There are members of our body who are growing in ways that make all of us cringe and reach for Advil in attempt to numb the pain. These members aren’t numbing the growing pains, they are sighing with relief at the freedom to live into who God created them to be. Some of us aren’t there yet in our journey or adventure with God, but because God loves us and has created us to be more than we could possibly imagine, God will stick with us as we grow and groan through the growing pains. The challenge for us as the body of Christ is to let go and let the Holy Spirit fuel the fire, accept the growing pains perhaps with gritted teeth, and let God bring forth the growth. Maybe the methods aren’t what we are accustomed to or even comfortable with, but God never called us to be comfortable! If we are comfortable, then we are not growing.

The heart of this body of Christ at Singing Oaks is beautiful, kind, generous, faithful, and good. There is not another body like this body. We are made up of so many different and unique people, and I love this body like my own body. At 40, I’m determined to not let my body atrophy into a weak vessel for my soul, and so I lift weights, I eat healthy food, and I hang out with people who teach me and love me. This has to be the same for our Singing Oaks body. Atrophy happens slowly…sometimes you don’t even notice the body parts that are dying until they’re dead.

As our heart grows for those who don’t know Jesus, may we grow in our ability to embrace and anticipate the growing pains of the transformation in progress here at Singing Oaks Church of Christ as we love more like Jesus loves.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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