The last three weeks have been a bit tumultuous for our family, and the mental haze that comes along with a death in the family can leave one ill equipped to make wise and discerning decisions. Upon receiving the news of the deaths of my grandmother and brother, I was in such shock, and yet it was on us to make quick decisions that would involve spending thousands of dollars, dropping work for the next three weeks, and leaving Nicole and the girls to manage our responsibilities here with no notice. It would take seven legs of travel in order to make it to my grandmother’s funeral in three days, and there was no time to waste.
At times like this all we have to offer is a meager attempt at doing the right thing. It is quite different from the American way of thinking through things, becoming well-informed, weighing pros and cons and making wise decisions. We had to just act.
When crisis occurs and we are left without our usual props we have a unique opportunity to see God in a way that is otherwise impossible. I think of the situation that arose with the death of Lazarus. The grief that was felt by Mary and Martha was likely far deeper than any other they had experienced, and so a place in their hearts was open to the touch of Christ. Had the situation been any less dire, Christ’s love and power would not have been witnessed to the same extent.
We cannot adequately express our gratitude to those who have poured out prayers, encouragement, condolences, and financial help. Before we could even really take in what was going on, we had the assurance and help of our family at Singing Oaks that they would be there to support us. From the elders at Singing Oaks, to friends in the US, to our amazing friends in Togo we have seen a tremendous outpouring of genuine love. We know that this is not the love of man, because it has been completely selfless. We have seen the pouring out of God’s love through our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are humbled by and grateful for the work of God in the hearts of those around us.