Shout-Out to Children’s Ministry Bible School Teachers

One of the constant struggles in Children’s Ministry is finding people to teach children’s classes. I don’t know one church in the whole world who doesn’t struggle with this issue whether they have a paid Children’s Minister or a lay leader. Two weeks ago in Tanzania, Bob, his son David, and I visited with a local Tanzanian man, Paulo, who has planted a couple of churches around his village. He wanted to visit with Bob about the struggles he is encountering with the church. I asked him if he had a person teaching the children, and his response was, ”No, no one wants to teach the children. They need someone, but they don’t have anyone.” (This is a rough translation from the Swahili language.) I thought to myself, “Even here in Tanzania, finding children’s teachers is a tough gig.”

In Matthew 19, we find Jesus engaged in some challenging conversations with his audience of Pharisees, his disciples, and a rich young man. This passage contains one of my favorite accounts of Jesus’ life on earth.

“Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ And he laid his hands on them and went on his way.” Matthew 19:13-15

There are many in our church family who love children and they continue to support the children in this church. I don’t want to embarrass these people, but I think of Paul’s letters of encouragement to all the churches in the New Testament, and here is my list of thanks and encouragement to the Singing Oaks Church of Christ.

To Karen King, a constant, consistent, and caring co-worker, Emily McDonald, a joyful and patient co-worker, Linda Blucker, mentor, empathizer, and friend, Scott and Lekky King, willing duo whom all the children adore, Susan Stanley, encourager, mentor, and teacher, Cheryl Wallace, encourager, mentor, and one who welcomes all the children, Amy Polley, humble and willing teacher, David and Bonnie Peeters, innovative and they always respond with “yes,” Jamie and Rachel Waggoner, patient and willing teacher duo, Ramona Tucker, loving and patiently welcoming teacher, Brian and Shawna Hutcherson, persevering, fun and on time teacher duo, Christine and Justin Thomson, Mother/Son Kindergarten conquerors, Angela Lopez, encourager, hugger, and willing teacher, Brooke Lana, creative and welcoming teacher and friend, Jennifer Grund, always willing and smiling co-teacher, Jill Davis, sweet and patient teacher, Michele Bentley, mentor, friend, and rescuer, Nancy Baker, teacher recruiter and absolute believer in the importance of teaching children about God and the Bible, Kasey McCollum, listening and dependable teacher, Sherrie Stevens, willing, persevering and spontaneous teacher, Laura Russell, willing teacher and friend, Tom and Penny Light, persevering, willing, and creative teachers, Betty Ortez, willing, wonderful, and nurturing teacher, Leslie James, fearless and delightful teacher, J Cleveland, willing co-teacher and computer fixer, David Norton, computer repair man extraordinaire, Lori Bittenbender, graceful and kind teacher, Kim and Doug Moody, dedicated and patient teacher duo, Aaron and Kathleen Prowell, excited and creative teacher duo, Marissa Cartagena, delightful and excited teacher, Lizzie Ross, always willing and compassionate teacher, Marcia Browder, Cindy Morgan, Teri Burgoon, David & Amy Pape, Nichole Carter, Mary Perry, Sheila McConnell, Penny Riley, Sheri Parker, Suzy Todd, Cindy Medlicott, Kay Selby, Nursery Teachers who most of our families owe a huge debt of thankfulness to for loving our babies and introducing them to God through song, story, and play, Julie Norton, Reagan King, Abby King, Megan Hickerson, Sarah Hickerson, Deborah Samuelson, Berkley McDonald, John Paul Witt, Sasa King, Holly Peeters, Morgan Melvin, Cooper Stevens, Parker Wilmoth, Casey Peeters, Lindsey Payan-Lopez, and Ashlyn Burgoon, children and youth helpers/teachers whose desire to serve always encourages me to keep pressing on toward the goal, Corielle Wilson, Rebekah Large, Connor Barkley, Mary Beth Kahre, Allison Moody, and Kristin Torres, college students who stepped up in a beautiful way to teach Wednesday nights who are kids drenched in fatigue, chaos, and sometimes hunger…I am forever grateful for your example and help.

I’m afraid I’ve forgotten names from this past year, and if I have, please forgive me. Thank you for teaching our Singing Oaks children to love God and love others. Thank you for welcoming our children to Jesus. You are golden and you are the beloved of God.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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