I Wonder as I Wander

I am amazed …

… by planes, bullet trains, fast automobiles, technology, love, passion and grace. All of these things astonish and shock my mind. I’m awestruck at demonstrations of immense power and ability. At the risk of sounding like a simpleton I confess that I am just overwhelmed by massive, fast, powerful and glorious things. Maybe this is why as I journey deeper into this thing we call a “Christian Life” and the truths of God’s Holy Word, I am caught up in wonderment with God and how His Holy Spirit works.

Every time I think about the beginning of the Church I am astounded at how the Spirit moved and worked powerfully and miraculously in the lives of simple men and women. There was hardly a scholar in the bunch. Most of this “Jesus Sect” were people of low degree. They were at best touching the mainstream of society. There was hardly a person that we identify as a professional save for persons like the physician and the tax collector. To know that the Spirit of God worked powerfully in these “mere Christians” is a beacon of hope that God can use even me.

While wandering through the scriptures my imagination works overtime trying to paint a picture of what those early days looked like. There were so many transcendent moments happening so quickly that it must have felt like a revolution was taking place. Beginning with Jesus and continuing through the life and teaching of the apostles so many social, political and spiritual barriers were being challenged. When you add in the revelatory writings of John we can see that a whole New Order is on the docket for God’s New Creation. Combining all of these acts, teachings and visions from God’s spokesmen and women, I would imagine this had to be stupefying if not completely unsettling, particularly to all who wanted to maintain the status quo.

Intellectually, culturally and psychologically we are so far removed from these early days of Christendom but I wonder how shocking the arrival of the Holy Spirit would have been to the people in the upper room. To know that you have walked, talked and been blessed by Jesus; to be the object of His ministry then to be called to do the same for others is quite the turnabout. To think that all the power that God gave to His Son would now be at work in you. It’s astounding that the God of heaven would make the good news about Jesus vulnerable to human beings; it’s just too much to comprehend but this was exactly his plan. This is a revolutionary concept! The best part is this revolution continues with us.

As we seek to live into the will of God it is imperative that we rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to serve a world that needs Jesus. His power is readily available to all who call on Him. Take your place in this revolutionary story and allow the power and wonderment of God’s Spirit to bless and work in you.

Peace and Blessings,

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

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6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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