Count Our Blessings

This week I experienced a situation that broke my heart. A young African American girl who was at least 8 ½ months pregnant found a wonderful Christian lady I’ll call Mary and asked her for help. She was living on the streets and needed shelter and assistance but thus far hadn’t found anyone willing to help her. Mary called me and we got her a motel room for eight days. She said she was desperately hoping to hear from her family within the week. Hopefully her uncle would drive to Denton and pick her up.

We came to her rescue and helped her with shelter and food. In the meantime I asked her about her family. Neither her father nor her mother who lived in a small town in Mississippi was willing to help her during this critical time. The uncle who promised to come and take her home, for some reason, backed out. Her only hope for help ended up being an Aunt in Mississippi, but this Aunt did not have the money to purchase her a bus ticket. The father of the unborn baby was unwilling to help as well.

We provided food from our pantry and during these eight days in the motel we didn’t hear from her. On the ninth day, she actually had to leave the motel and again was on the street. She didn’t call this time. A “friend” of hers, who is a single college student, did agree to allow her to stay for a few hours in her apartment and also take her to the bus station if she would buy her friend the gas needed to do this.

The morning of the 10th day this young lady again call Mary who in turned asked me if we could purchase her bus ticket to Mississippi? I came over Saturday evening, picked her up and purchased her a bus ticket home. I gave her enough money to give her “friend” gas money, came by the food pantry and gave her a sack of items she could eat on the long overnight journey home.

We did the right thing and I believe did what Jesus would have done. Person after person turned a blind eye to the perils this young lady was experiencing. I thank God for good Samaritans like Mary. I prayed with the young lady and gave her money for the trip home. I took her back to the friend’s apartment who took her to the bus station at 1:30 am Sunday morning for her trip home.

I hear a lot of said stories and life situations that are tragic. I still live in a very sheltered environment and don’t hear stories like this one very often that tug on my heart as this one did mine. I know there are unknown stories similar to this one that occur every day. We should continually thank our Lord for his care, giving us salvation, and allowing us to have good families and friends.

There are a lot of side benefits for being a Christian. The blessings we received are indeed due to the graciousness of our Lord. Psalm 115:13 (NIV) says “He will bless those who fear the Lord—small and great alike”. Proverbs 8:32 (NIV) says “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.” The Lord does guide our lives and grants many physical blessings to fill our needs. Often these blessing come from family and friends.

Singing Oaks is blessed because we are willing and able to help so many people. Feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, visiting those in prison, providing for the fatherless and widows – all the things that Jesus told us makes up pure religion. Thanks to all of you for caring about people in need.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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