At one week to go, we had 60 people registered and $2,500 in donations. I wasn’t nervous about the outcome, just cautiously optimistic! We had a long way to go to reach our $30,000 goal for water wells in Tanzania and Haiti. But what a difference a week makes. Last Sunday approximately 175 people dressed in blue Walk4Water shirts, walked with heavy water jugs around a 2 mile track and raised to date a total of $30,021. The Lord provides! Moreover other funds are in process or pledged to be given. I know we will continue to exceed our goal.

Sunday I quoted William Carey who is known as “the father of modern missions.” He said “Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.” In my mind we were attempting something great and were trusting and expecting God to help us, and we really needed Him. Our goal was higher than last year and the church had already given extra in a big way to the hurricane relief fund and other congregational needs. And God showed up. He moved his people to give sacrificially, both rich and poor. There is no way of knowing how many gave, but based on those who came to the walk I believe that at least half the church and possibly more contributed. It was a family effort.

You can read more about our walk in the Denton Record Chronicle at the following link. They sent out a reporter to cover the story that day. (See story)

The money raised will make a huge impact on lives in Tanzania and Haiti. Some of you have read the article posted by missionary Kevin Linderman describing the difficulty and danger to women in labor in many of the clinics in Tanzania. (See article) Your donations will help those women because we are drilling a well at one of those clinics. The other planned wells will go in areas where clean water is scarce in many months of the year. They will save lives and make the lives of many others much better.

Our church leaders and missionaries will be involved in training village leaders how to maintain the wells. They will also teach hygiene and water sanitation lessons at every site. These are needed because much of the contamination occurs after the water is pumped from the ground.

Our church leaders are also tasked with preaching the gospel of Jesus at every well site. If people accept it, they will receive the greatest benefit – spiritual water that wells up to eternal life.

God provided a beautiful place and a beautiful day for the 2017 Walk4Water. The fellowship was great and all the volunteers joyfully served. A big thanks to all who helped, especially Tom and Penny Light. And a huge thanks to all who walked and donated for life giving water in Haiti and Tanzania.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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