Why Some Say NO

On our first visit to Singing Oaks over 30 years ago, an elder and his wife invited us to their home group (that couple is still here). We were impressed. We soon joined a group that impacted our lives for many years to come, and still does because of the friendships we made. Not all the groups since that time have had the same influence, but all of them have impacted our life journey. I believe in the power of small groups, but Satan tempts us to say no! Here are some reasons:

I had a bad experience a long time ago.
I hear you; however I encourage you to try again. The experience will likely be totally different. You owe it to yourself and others. There is a lot at stake.

If I get in a group I’m stuck.
These first groups are only for 7 weeks. There is no obligation after that, so it is easy to get out. However, in January groups will start up again and you will have an opportunity to join either the same group or a new one.

I’m too busy!
I get it! Most people are busy in America, and sometimes we ARE too busy to be in another activity. Yet, it is usually a matter of priority. Ask yourself: Is it important for me to develop deeper relationships and grow in my faith? If the answer is yes this is a way for you.

I’m shy and afraid to get personal.
So was I, but God has helped me in this area. I know He can help you too. We want everyone to participate in the study, but in your own time when you feel comfortable. And all groups are designed to be accepting and respectful to each other.

I don’t know much about the Bible.
That’s ok too. This is designed to be a light to medium study and will have questions of varying degrees of difficulty. You are not expected to know all the answers. We are there to humbly learn from each other as we grow in our knowledge of God with the Spirit guiding as we go.

I’m doing ok in my spiritual life by myself.
Maybe, but you could be doing much better. God designed you to be in a group. You are made in the image of the God who said, “Let us make man in our own image.” God is not alone. He lives in community. We are designed that way also – to live in community. There are so many benefits. But our earthly self tells us to isolate which is usually a receipt for nominal growth or worse!

Our goal is spiritual growth in relationship with God and others. No one disagrees that growth must involve God. We want to walk and talk with him in close relationship. However, even when Adam walked with God there was something lacking. He was alone. Adam needed Eve, and we all need each other. A small group is a vehicle in which those needs are met. In groups things happen that can’t happen with one person. Ideas are shared, encouraging words are exchanged, tough situations are faced, accountability occurs, support is given, resources shared, and mutual prayers go up.

As of Wednesday we have 157 people signed up for our new Sermon based small groups. Thanks for everyone who joined. Some groups are almost full, but most are still open. Now is the time to sign-up if you want to get in a group this fall.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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