In Christ Alone

Presidential Election week is possibly the least desirable week in the 2016 calendar to be scheduled to write a blog for a faith community, or possibly the best week to have the opportunity to remind our church family of our identity in Christ. Whether you feel like a loser or a winner this week, I will attempt to convince you that our God is the God of hope.

Earlier this week, I was arguing for the hundredth time this year with my mom on the phone about the election. We both have very strong opinions about this election. She’s a Baby Boomer, I’m a Gen-Xer. She’s the baby of her family, I’m the firstborn. She remembers the fear of the Cold War, I remember the fear of anthrax. She remembers JFK’s death, I remember 9/11. She remembers Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, I remember the Challenger exploding. She’s a wife and mother, I’m neither. I could continue with the contrasts between our lives, but hopefully you get the picture. We are two very different stories. But, we both share the story of God’s redeeming love and endless grace.

No matter whom you voted for, who won the various elections this cycle, or whether you exercised your right to vote or not, you are made, chosen, and loved by God. And know this…whoever won the election isn’t the will of God. God’s will is to know you and for you to know God. God wants relationship with you. God desires more than anything else to walk this life with you.

If I could, I’d sing a song to comfort all of us, but I’d better leave that to someone else, so please just breathe, click on the link below, and soak up some hope. In Christ alone, our hope is found.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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