Whatever It Takes

I was talking to someone recently and he used this phrase in the context of our mission to our community and the world. It definitely sparked my interest because for me it implies giving it all for the sake of the mission and using the best possible means available to carry it out.

Paul is a good example here. He gave his all to the effort. His life was about knowing Christ, sharing him with others and maturing those who responded (Phil 3:10; Col. 1:28-29). Most everything else took a back seat. Comfort was not important to him, retirement was no big deal, and his family we know nothing about. House, car (though a good Land Cruiser might of helped), insurance, and vacation time were low on his list of priorities. He gave up all and used all available resources for the mission of God.

He also used the best ways to accomplish the mission. In spreading the gospel, he spoke to people of Jewish background as a Jew and to Greeks as a Greek. His appearance, customs, language, and message were tailored for his audience. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t, but he was doing whatever it took to bring them the good news in ways they could understand and accept. He was “all things to all men” in order to win some. I think he would like the phrase “Whatever it takes” and say “Amen.”

Of concern for some of us when we say we will do “Whatever it takes” is that we know we will have to leave some of our comforts and get out of our comfort zone. This is because of the mission’s cost and the means we must use to accomplish it. This is difficult, but if the mission has overriding importance then somehow we will together find a way (through God’s power) to make it happen. I definitely don’t have all the answers here; just faith that as we are obedient, God will show us the way.

Finally what I really like about the phrase is that it says we are serious about the mission. We are going to do our part in getting the job done. Our part is not the only part for sure, but it is essential. Our orders come from our commander and chief (Jesus) who owns the mission and provides what we need to accomplish it. And if we all buy into it, what a difference it makes in our church life and the world. We focus, we encourage, we sacrifice, and are even willing to die for the cause. “Whatever it takes!”

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

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