Nowadays, Halloween is one of the most important dates in the holiday calendar; much is said about this celebration, origin of its name, its Celtic origin, Roman tradition, Cristian tradition, its expansion to North America and its roots, its globalization, its current state, components, food, trick or treat. And just as Halloween is celebrated today, so are other holidays.
I am someone that is not much into parties; actually, there are few things I celebrate. Some of these are birthdays, important life events, successes, the Lord’s day, victory over death, and Jesus’s resurrection, to mention a few. A day like today, October 31st, 1993, I finally understood who I really was at the age of 16. On that day, I decided to be born again; it was a Sunday; I still remember that day with detail; my confession, being immersed into the water, and the feeling of the Holy Spirit dwelling in me, and much more.
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You have come to ask yourself if you love God.
Do we love God? How do I know I love Him?
Do we know that God loves us or do we believe that God loves us?
The Scriptures tell us:
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Hace poco terminé de leer “Un pequeño libro para nuevos teólogos”, del Dr. Kelly Kapic, un libro que creo que nos ayudaría a examinarnos a nosotros mismos en lo que creemos que hacemos y cómo lo hacemos.
La palabra teología proviene del griego “theos” Dios, y “logos” estudio. Muchas personas reaccionan negativamente a esta palabra; piense en la acción que cada vez que pensamos en enseñar la Biblia y nos esforzamos por entenderla y transmitiéndola a otros nos involucramos en la teología, y esto nos lleva a decir que cada persona que lo hace se convierte en un teólogo.
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Manny y yo hace unas pocas semanas, mientras nos alistábamos para ir a la iglesia muy temprano en la mañana tuvimos una breve conversación
Manny: ¿A dónde vamos?
Yo: A la Iglesia
Manny: ¿Vamos a la clase a aprender de Dios?
Yo: Si y también a adorar a Dios.
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A few weeks ago, Manny and I, while getting ready to go to church very early in the morning had a brief conversation…
Manny: Where are we going?
Me: To the Church
Manny: Are we going to the class to learn about God?
Me: Yes and also to worship God.
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