For the last several months I’ve been postponing a responsibility I’ve been given by the camp staff I work with to provide camp for our 3rd-6th grade students. For the last three years I’ve written the camp curriculum, and every year I have a moment of inspiration when God gives me a specific book or a message from a preacher, or a conversation between colleagues which clearly shows me the path to walk as I write the curriculum. This year I have really struggled for ideas, energy, and to be completely honest, I’ve had a bad attitude about writing the curriculum. Last fall, I drove four hours to Edmond in horrible traffic to arrive 15 minutes late to a two hour meeting where the vision for the theme of camp had already been cast, and I wasn’t even asked if I liked the idea, yet they all wanted me to write the curriculum. So, needless to say and write, I’ve been a little grouchy about writing, and my grouchiness has contributed to my procrastination. I’m sure everyone has been in my shoes before. Your voice is ignored, and perhaps even your presence isn’t required, yet you are needed to do the work. The theme of Camp Connect this year is WITNESS, and the biblical witnesses we will learn about are Sarah, Mary at the tomb, Gideon, Paul, and Peter. I imagine all of these biblical witnesses were grouchy at times about doing the work, so I think I’m in good company, yet the inspiration still hasn’t struck, and my self-motivation is low.
This last Sunday, Sherrie Stevens came down the hall towards me with a gift bag. The bag contained a CD titled “SEEN”, a reusable bag, and a t-shirt with the word “SEEN” in large print across the chest. She explained it was a gift from all the ladies who had attended the Heart Strong Conference during the weekend. Later that morning, Gayla Howell left another bag for me at the Treehouse with a beautiful journal from the same conference. Tuesday morning, on my way to Dallas for a meeting, I popped the CD into the player, and all of the songs are written from biblical women’s perspectives, Rachel, Leah, and Tamar. As I listened to the songs over and over, I was struck by the stories of these women who struggled with life through harsh times and who fought to be understood, valued, and seen by those around them. Then, I had the perfect moment of inspiration from God about myself. Sherrie, Gayla, and our other Heart Strong women brought me these gifts to demonstrate that I am SEEN. Then, this gift of inspiration led to the fact that all of our Biblical counterparts are important to us because they remind us that we serve a God who sees us, and only people who have been seen by the Lord Almighty are able to WITNESS to others about God’s steadfast loving kindness.
Whoever you are, whatever season of life you are going through, God sees you. I know many of our church family are dealing with overwhelming medical diagnosis, family struggles, and faith crises. Yet, we are in this together, no matter what, because God is with us in the joy and the sorrow. Meditate on Ecclesiastes 3 to discern what time is God calling you to witness to in this season of life. How can you help others be SEEN and see God’s timing in their lives?
Teacher: For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven:
2 A time to be born, a time to die;
a time to plant, a time to collect the harvest;3 A time to kill, a time to heal;
a time to tear down, a time to build up;4 A time to cry, a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, a time to dance;5 A time to scatter stones, a time to pile them up;
a time for a warm embrace, a time for keeping your distance;6 A time to search, a time to give up as lost;
a time to keep, a time to throw out;7 A time to tear apart, a time to bind together;
a time to be quiet, a time to speak up;8 A time to love, a time to hate;
a time to go to war, a time to make peace.