Last Sunday afternoon was a wonderful day of fun and fellowship at South Lakes Park. God gave us blue skies and great weather. There was face painting, games, music, candy, costumes, hot dogs, real dogs, and of course WATER. And we walked! Some carried heavy containers of water to experience what it is like in Africa. It was all good. Lots of fun and good fellowship!
Our goal this year was $25,000. At one week to go we had raised a little over half the amount. One week after the event as of last Sunday we have more than doubled our goal! The total amount raised including one pledge of $1,000 stands at $53,650. Praise God! This almost equals our two prior years combined! Many are thankful: the leadership of this church, missionaries in Tanzania, and most certainly the church and surrounding villages in Tanzania and Haiti where life giving wells will be drilled. I praise God and am extremely grateful to all who contributed.
It was a team effort. The giving certainly was! From large contributions to small ones. One family canvased their neighborhood collecting money (amazing). One contribution coin can had a long list of different names of those who contributed small amounts adding up to more than $100. It also took a team effort to make this happen. There was the ministry staff and all the volunteers. Hats off to everyone for a job well done. I hope it was a labor of love for all.
My pledge to you is that the money will be used wisely. A national leadership committee of some of our most respected leaders oversees and makes decisions about the well drilling activities. Alongside of them is a veteran missionary in Tanzania that I trust and have known for many years. I also have the privilege to see the wells with my own eyes, along with some who go with Michele and me. Actually, we officially open and hand over many of the wells to the village leaders. It usually involves speeches, food, prayers and great celebration. It is amazing!
The latest news is that a new well has been drilled to supply water to a prison that has no water source. It is being completed now and is providing a door of opportunity to minister there. That well will also provide water for the same village where we have no church. In another village we have been approached to drill a well at a new clinic being built which I am told the President himself may attend the opening. If that happens it will be a big event for the village and our churches – and us if we are there!
The money you gave will go far in our efforts to bring clean, healthy, life-giving water to many many people. And just as important and more so, along with the water, it will provide more opportunities to share the good news of living water and its transforming power with those who come to drink. God is good, and may He be glorified through your amazing contribution.