This phrase has become the motto of today’s society. When said, it is generally meant as a term to refer to someone’s dream of having a perfectly balanced life and being able to do everything one wants, especially when it comes to worldly things. The same can also be said for the Christian community. In the Christian culture, having it all means having the perfect godly family and time with God every day. However, part of being a Christian is, knowing that your life won’t be perfect. This seems contradictory to what Jesus said, “Everything is possible for those who believe.”
Therein lies the discrepancy. What does he mean by ‘everything’? Webster’s Dictionary defines everything as all that exists, or all that relates to the subject. In today’s culture many use the first definition as their justification for their lifestyle. However, the second definition of this is most likely the one Jesus meant. If we begin to define everything as all that relates to the subject all the stress of feeling the need to be perfect melts away. This ideology brings peace to one’s life and the need for everyone’s approval is diminished.
A main objection to Christianity is the fact that terrible things happen all over the world every day, so how can there be a loving God? When one redefines everything the answer comes through loud and clear. God gives you what you need. You may want everything and God may give it to you. However, if something bad happens to you, it is to help you redefine everything.
In February, I got a severe concussion during a soccer game at school. Now, I’ve always been a very confident person and never really sought the approval of others. I’ve been concussed for the past four months, and in that time, I’ve come to realize that I had been putting my confidence in the wrong place; myself. As a result of having to sit out most social activities I have come to realize why this happened to me. Vicki Robin once said, “If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough.” I’ve always been fortunate to live a very sheltered life. This stint of sitting out has made me more grateful and content with what I do have and taught me how to place my confidence in God alone.
Placing one’s confidence in God really should be ‘everything’ to Christians. It is how Peter walked on water and how the disciples were willing to leave everything to follow Jesus. It frees us from problems of the world, as well as frees up time to be a fisher of men. During the past few months I’ve been able to have in depth conversations about religion with one of my friends who is an atheist and he is now opening up to the thought of Christianity in general. These conversations more than likely would not have happened had I not been concussed as I probably would not felt confident enough to have those discussions.