The importance of having close relationships in the community of believers is hard to overstate. It is a vital part of the abundant life in Christ. It helps us overcome and bear the burdens of life and brings joy. It brings joy in this life and the resurrection carries that fellowship into the future, into heaven itself as part of our reward.
“So with you: Now is your time of grief” – John 16:22a
Jesus had been with his disciples for 3 years, and they were close to each other. They had just eaten the Passover together for the last time, a Passover that Luke tells us Jesus eagerly desired to eat with them. Their close fellowship provided strength to overcome the rough times ahead for the disciples and for Jesus. But that sweet fellowship was about to be broken. The days of grief, the dark time of the cross was fast approaching. Jesus had to leave!
“but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” – John 16:22b
The resurrection changed everything! It overcame their grief. It restored their fellowship and brought joy, a joy that could not be taken away. And even after Jesus left and returned to the father they believed that someday they would be together with him again. They could therefore continue to live joyfully with the knowledge of that coming future fellowship.
The apostle Paul said something similar to a young church. The Thessalonians had questions about the future. What would happen to those who died before the coming of Jesus? Paul assured them of their future. Their bodies would be resurrected on that great day, then all who remained alive would meet them in the air. There would be a glorious reunion with Jesus and the other believers, a grand reunion that would last for ever and ever!!! And Paul would be there with them; with those he called his joy and crown.
“For what is our hope, our joy, or our crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed you are our glory and joy.” – 1 Thessalonians 2:19-22
He had only known them for a few weeks before he was forced to leave, but they had grown close. He was to them “like a mother caring for her little children” and shared with them the gospel and his very life. A short time after leaving he was overjoyed to hear of their strong faith and was not only looking forward to seeing them again in this life but because of the resurrection says those relationships were a part of his future heavenly reward – his crown.
The resurrection makes future fellowship possible. But why wait until then. It is a part of kingdom life that begins on this earth. It is who we are designed to be as God’s people, his church. Join us this Easter Sunday in our worship or small groups. Get a taste of that future fellowship in the here and now!