Hospitality – Need a Lift or Uber?

Uber’s CEO was in the news this week. It seems apparent from the video and his apology for his treatment of one of his company’s employees that even in the hospitality/service industry there are times when the guys running the business lose sight of the vision. Uber is a company based on people’s perceptions of hospitality. If you are a diver, you rate the rider on how hospitable they were and vice versa. During peak hours drivers may not take a passenger request and will wait for a better passenger request. Having a clean comfortable car and a kind and courteous passenger/driver can make all the difference in the world when getting from point A to point B as well as determining if you will use the system again.

Most of you reading this blog can remember a time before the internet rated everything from restaurants, hotels, websites, doctors etc., and now “taxis”. Before, it was word of mouth and good old fashion memory to help inform your decisions on where you ate, slept, or went while traveling or for entertainment. Many times you would stumble across a “diamond in the rough”. However, we have all been the victim of guessing where to stay or eat on our travels only to be woefully disappointed, disgusted or afraid for our safety.

Whether we like it or not, learning and structuring our lives to be the most hospitable people that we can be, with what God has given us, should be one of our highest priorities as a Christian. We have been given a great building, great people and many great resources that we can use to show others great Hospitality and win them over to Christ. People talk about their experiences here at this building, in our vehicles, in our children’s classes etc. They share their stories and experiences with others and those stories and experiences, although not always quantified, impact people’s perceptions of the believers who meet here. In fact, in both the Old and New Testaments God elevates His desire for his people to be the most Hospitable (being a friend to the new people you encounter, or Loving them as yourself.)

At Singing Oaks, we want to be the people with the cleanest, healthiest, most encouraging transportation, both literally and metaphorically. When guests ride with us to events and activities, we want them to be focused on that activity or event, not on the smell, dirtiness, or safety of the vehicle or building that they are in. When our guests “join us on our journey towards God” we want them to be able to trust and be encouraged by our love for them and each other.

So join with us as we continue to transform both our hearts and minds in becoming a more and more hospitable people. And join with us as we continue to use the many physical resources that God has blessed us with to help create environments that encourage more Hospitality. We have already transformed our building and are always seeking new ways to help make this place even more inviting. Sunday we hope you will helps us do the same with our largest passenger vehicle. We plan to refurbish our 30 passenger bus so that it can be safer and better able to help us serve young and old, and the many guests we have join us on trips.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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