A Special Banquet

Don Compton was a beloved minister at Singing Oaks who touched the lives of many. I know this first hand because I worked with him and continue to meet people in the food pantry who tell powerful stories (sometimes in tears) of how Don helped them. This year we want do something special to remember Don, a banquet held on one of the important days in his ministry, Harvest Sunday.

On Sunday, November 20th, which would have been Don’s 79th birthday, we want to honor him by having the Don Compton Memorial Dinner. Its main purpose is to reach out to others by providing food for the hungry as Don so often did. We will do that by packing food baskets/boxes for local families and individuals and by sharing a meal together.

We are asking members to contribute money to help pay for the food. We will then purchase the food items in bulk and have them ready to pack up on Sunday afternoon. After we finish packing all the boxes we will have pot luck dinner. We are depending on our members to bring lots of food for our own members and guests. We are even hoping to bless our guests with leftovers. I know we can do it!

Finally, and very importantly, we want to open this event to another group, our friends. There are surely others who would like to participate in this outreach with us. We are talking about friends, family or neighbors who have a heart for the poor. They can come help us pack the boxes and help with other preparations for the event, then after that, share the meal with all of us.

Come and be with us on November 20th, a great day to have fun, fellowship and serve with others for the sake kingdom of God.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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