Just Say, “Yes!”

God is calling. Are you listening? If you can hear his voice, just say, “yes “.

Far too often we are hesitant. Far too often we are afraid. But what are we really afraid of? Are things going to change? Yeah. Could things go differently than we imagine? Almost certainly. So why should we allow a little thing like, not being able to control the future, keep us from walking faithfully into it? The intended locomotion of a Christian life is walking by faith and not by sight.

By Faith

The only way that we can live God honoring lives is by faith. Our faith is at work when we look forward to favorable outcomes even when we have no idea how things will turn out. Faithfulness is our constant aim and desire to stay the course and not abandon our hopes. Faithfulness is born out of supreme confidence and trust in God. If we are to be faithful to God, this attitude requires that we “care not today what tomorrow may bring.” Rather it calls us to a recognition that our “worries are vein”. Likewise it implores us to hold on to God. We hold on to Him because he tells us that our hope in Him will not end in disappointment. It is God’s will and pleasure that our outcomes will be filled with salvation and glory.

In His Will

In the life of Christ there is a beauty that sometimes we fail to see. It’s easy to recognize Jesus as a powerful worker of miracles or the Master-Teacher who spoke with the authority of God. But what about the man who was in the garden. He knew that friends would flee. He knew that the trial would be humiliating. He also knew that the lashes would hurt. Still he went through with it. He knew that crowds would jeer. He knew that cross would be heavy. He knew that the nails would hurt. But still he went through with it. Why? Because it was more important that the Father’s will be above his own. And so it must be with us.

So let’s put an end to a tepid and timid faith. Let us glorify God by putting our faith to work just like Jesus. We can have a “muscular faith” which is developed when our faith is exercised. When our faith is at work, we may stumble or fall and from time to time our feet may fail, but as one author put it, “If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.”

If you’re ready to put your faith in action say, “yes”.
If you’re ready to live in God’s will say, “yes”.
If you’re ready to answer the call just say, “yes”.

How could you say “no?”
Why would you say “no?”

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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