Thanksgiving by definition is an act of giving thanks. It is gratitude, a gratitude that many times comes from some type of gift. This thankfulness in turn produces more giving – you can’t really take the giving out of thanksgiving. As we experience and celebrate Thanksgiving Day this week, I have been reminded that Singing Oaks is a thanksgiving church.
It started like a typical Monday. There was the men’s Bible study and then off to help with children’s worship. As usual both were a blessing and I’m thankful. Very soon afterwards and then as the day continued it seemed like thanksgiving (giving and thanks) was breaking out all around me all day. Angel tree gifts started coming in and being stored in my office. Sweaters for a different group were put in another corner. Bags of groceries and turkeys were being taken to Communities in Schools – I know they were thankful. A stranger to our church donates $200 to buy food to feed more on Thanksgiving Day. Singing Oaks staff are giving time to children at the Rosemont apartments across the street. Cans full of coins are being delivered to help people in Cuba. A bus pass is being purchased for a man traveling to find work in Plainview – he is also given a ride to the station and the gift of the gospel is given/shared with him. Another man just released from the jail walks up to our church and asks only to use the phone (I find out he has been in the Monday Bible study that our church does at the jail) – he was very thankful. A home group collects funds for a stranger in need and I get to deliver it – this person is thankful and expresses interest in knowing more about Jesus. Someone gives me a nice second-hand phone as is a precious gift for someone in need, and lastly a couple commits to substantial financial support of a missionary who empowers the poor in Africa – this person is overwhelmed.
These are examples I saw that day. I’m sure there were more in other ministries and in individual lives that I was unaware of. And though I know this was not an average day, it represents the giving spirit of many Christ followers here at Singing Oaks.
Thursday is the official Thanksgiving Day, but this past Monday was also a thanksgiving day. I was blessed and thankful to be a part of it.