What’s Your Story?

“Not everything that can be counted…counts. And not everything that counts…can be counted.” – Albert Einstein

“What counts in life?” When all is said and done, that is the one question we all must answer. And we all have done so, if only implicitly, in the lives we have pursued. Our very existence is the unavoidable response to this question. We all want to count.

But it’s not enough to have lived a life. Humans need to make sense of it and to account for it. And the only way to do that is in a story. In story, and only in story we recount what it’s all about. In story and only in story do we put it all together. And only there, do we get in touch with who we really are.

People today are not much good at storytelling. Perhaps it’s because we are too busy to stop to recount what has happened. Perhaps it’s because we are fed so many stories by mass media. Or perhaps it’s because we spend so little time with friends today. And, after all, there’s not much point in telling a story, if no one is listening.

Of course this catches up with us. Eventually, it seems as though life is living us, rather than we living it. Our souls become sick. We feel disconnected and alone.

At such a point, many of us will seek out a professional counselor and pay him or her money to listen to us! And to do what?…to be there for us…to put the story together…and to put us back together.

As Christians we know that we have a story. But, more than that, we believe that there is an added dimension to ours. We believe that we each have the Holy Spirit. So God is living in each of us and our story is also His story in us. There is power in such a realization. Paul certainly thought so. He never tired of telling his story of the risen Christ living in him. And neither should we tire of our own stories of Christ living in us. Telling your story strengthens you, it builds up the church and convicts those who haven’t yet found Jesus.

So, what has God done in your life?

What’s your story?

Have you shared it?

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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