
As I look back on 2012, I am struck by what a pivotal year it has been. The theme for 2012 was, REST (Renewing Experience of Sabbath Together). That theme grew out of minister’s discussions about where we were as a church. It seemed to us that in this crazy, fast changing society of ours that the hardest thing in the world to do is to “let go and let God.” We today, think that we need to be in control of things, when in fact we need to give control away and simply rest in God.

During Spring break we had an all church “REST Retreat” where we were able to spend time alone, with one another, and with God. It was a time of refreshment and renewal. The year was supposed to be one where we sought Sabbath rest.

However, while the year’s theme was “REST,” God was at work! And He brought us to an amazing place. He enabled the purchase of 66 acres of land in a prime location, for an affordable price at a time when interest rates are the lowest in history… and as the economy is starting to recover. It’s bigger than we would have wanted. While we can envision using some of that land, 66 acres is larger than any vision we currently have. (We would have loved the little plot across the road, the plot belonged to Piggly Wiggly). But, what about God? Does He have a vision big enough to encompass 66 acres? I guess we’ll find out!

The thing is, God, starting with Abraham always tells his people to “go”, and only later do they discover exactly where they are going. That’s what walking by faith is all about.

Our theme for 2013 grew out of that realization. As we ministers reflect on where we are as a church right now, it seems to all of us that God has brought this church to a special time of faith; that He has led us to bigger things than we would ever have thought possible. He is giving us the “promised land”… 66 acres of it, more than we know what to do with, more that we have vision for. He is leading us to expanded mission globally and locally. He has sent us Andres Badillo, our new Spanish minister. He is telling us, “I have a global vision for you. You don’t have to see it all now. Just step out in faith. Go, and I will be with you.”

Thus our proposed theme for 2013 is, “Go!”…Not as the world goes but a step at a time with God. Go in faith.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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