Each year we struggle to find ways of encouraging members to help make Harvest Sunday a success. Each year the need for Harvest Sunday is bigger and bigger and every year the Singing Oaks church family gives an abundance of food to help stock our food pantry. Here are a few facts and figures that give an overview of the activities of our food pantry and clothing room for the past 12 months.
- Family visits – 3,272
- Total households members – 10,852
- Average family size – 3.4
- Bags of groceries given – 2,393
- People receiving clothes – 2,821
- Items of clothing given – 7,983
- Bibles given – 125
- Inquiries / Prayer requests – 84
- GED study referrals – 28
- Bicycles given – 61
Why talk about these statistics? By monitoring these statistics it gives us some idea about our needs and what it will take to serve the greater Denton community. Through the first eight months of this year we have spent over $20,000 on food. This represents almost 80% of this yearly budget item and we still have four months left in the year. If this trend continues we will spend approximately $31,000 on just food in 2012. We need your help and ask you to bring groceries.
Harvest Sunday is about replenishing our food pantry. In years past you have graciously given more than can be imagined and I am asking that you give again this year. The church is to be commended for all you do throughout the year. Please follow the suggested shopping list you will see in upcoming worship bulletins. This list will feed a family of five for one week. With your help I know God will bless this effort and we will have the best Harvest Sunday we have ever had.