This last June, my interns and I, spent the entire month serving Lee Elementary through the Communities in Schools program of North Texas. We participated in their summer camp, which is four weeks, Monday through Thursday, 10 am – 2 pm; and for all four of us, this was our favorite part of the summer. If you have ever been involved or are currently serving with Communities in Schools, you know that the program is primarily dominated by children living in low-income, Spanish-speaking families that are struggling to “make it.” My interns, Mary Wilkinson, Taen Johnson, and Morgan Bolz fell in love with the children. The children fell in love with them also.
Last January, when I arrived in Denton to serve Singing Oaks, I began the process to become a volunteer at Lee Elementary. In February I began volunteering at the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon, I read with children individually, played games with children, helped children with their homework, and sometimes just talked with children. On Tuesday afternoons, I helped two second grade teachers with somewhat monotonous tasks, such as lamination, cutting out what I had laminated, running errands, and sorting homework papers and announcements into the children’s take-home folders. While Tuesdays were often extremely boring, the teachers were always grateful. Whether you love being with children or enjoy cutting out pictures and decorating bulletin boards, there is always a place for a volunteer to contribute to our public schools.
Singing Oaks church of Christ is a faith family that is completely dedicated to being present in the surrounding community. Our church is involved with many organizations that serve the under-served, the marginalized, and the hurting people of Denton. I am so thankful to be a part of a church that desires community outreach and involvement. Communities in Schools of North Texas is one more door for our church to enter to be Jesus to Denton. I want to encourage those of you who are interested in serving the children and teachers of Denton to consider being a volunteer for Communities in Schools. I volunteer at Lee Elementary because it is in the immediate neighborhood of the Singing Oaks building, but there are many schools in Denton and the surrounding towns that would love more adults and teens to be involved as mentors. Please consider being a light in North Texas by serving through Communities in Schools. The link below will take you to their website and if you have any questions, please contact me. May the Lord bless our students and teachers as they learn and grow together.