“I care not today what tomorrow may bring …”
That’s not true. In fact I AM FREAKING OUT! But why am I freaking out? If you are like me you recognize that we live in uncertain times. This world is a crazy and scary place. It seems like the whole world is going mad! People are living like they are losing their minds. Humanity is in its greatest decline EVER. How can we not worry when people are being robbed, cheated, and abused everyday? And that’s just by guys in suits and ties.
Some of us are just as emotionally up and down as the stock market. Some of us live and die by the closing bell. There are some of us who are just praying that we have enough gas to make it home or that the lights will be on when we get there. And a few more are just hoping and praying that our kids will not get sick or break the bank by breaking an arm or leg. Can we see the future? Do you feel in control? Even though we cannot see the future and we do not feel in control here is one thing we can know …
God IS in control.
I want you to let that soak in. God is in control. Subconsciously we know this but we struggle to live with the knowledge that God is watching over every detail of our lives. He knows when we will rise in the morning. He knows when we will lay down at night. He knows what we will do tomorrow and every tomorrow that we ever have. He is the God of our present and our Future. I want you to be encouraged by the words of an old hymn.
I don’t know what the future holds,
but I know who holds the future.
It is easy to allow fear to override our senses and cloud our minds with terrible energy and negative emotions. Such feelings and emotions not only cause our minds to be in constant tumult, but they may also cause us to withdraw from the world and encourage us to hide in our shells like turtles who bunker down for the impending doom. And as we live shackled in our safety zones quaking with fear and trembling in terror we may miss all the beauty and wonder of the world as it passes us by.
We are anxious. We worry. We question, “Where is God?” The answer is simple. Instead of looking up, down and all around; look inside. With our eyes we clearly see that there are reasons to worry all around us, but will we learn to see through the eyes of God? Will we embrace His vision of His world and the humanity He created?
We must learn to live with the assurance that God is in control. We will have a renewed positivity and peace because God has promised to be with us “even until the end of the world”. It is to our benefit that we understand and live in the knowledge that He alone supplies our every need. He spoke the wind and the waves into existence and He is the very same God who told them to be still. He, alone, is able to calm the storms and the anxieties of our lives. He makes everything alright.
When we remember His providence, He gives us peace. When we reminisce about His love and care, we find security and comfort in the darkest of days. We don’t have to fret about our future. We can treat the present as a present and look to a future with God as an even greater reward for all who trust in Him. If we will only trust in God he will take our blues away and tune our hearts to sing melodies in a Major Key.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be. — Livingston/Evans