Harvest Sunday, November 6th

It doesn’t take long for a year to pass when you are busy. Our 50 volunteers in the Benevolence Ministry will testify how quickly it seems their monthly work day comes around. They are VIP’s who make our ministry work.
To date this year we have spent $20,200 for food putting us well over our food budget. This doesn’t count the value of the food donations we have received during the year. Our needs are as great as ever and we have 2 ½ months left in this budget year. We always under budget for food expenses hoping that throughout the year we will have adequate donations to cover our needs. We need your help this year because grocery prices have risen considerably.
Sunday, November 6, is Harvest Sunday. This is when the congregation is asked to fill our food pantry by bring sacks of “Food for 5”. There is a shopping list in the bulletin of needed items for your convenience. We always like to get the actual food item but for those who find it impossible to shop, a cash donation marked for the food pantry will be appreciated.
This congregation makes a difference in many ways other than food. But for this occasion our concentration is on food. You can stretch your food dollar by purchasing store value brands – Kroger Value, Wal-Mart Value, etc. This helps in stretching our food budget each year. You can find almost all items on the shopping list as a value item in these stores.
Thank you for getting prepared to make this our best Harvest Sunday.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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