
In my work as benevolence minister, I don’t get to talk to too many happy people. When trying to help folks with problems, there’s obviously little room for anything but worries within the lives of those we see. Even though we deal with anxious and hurting people, it is rewarding to me to recognize that even people in crisis can exhibit extraordinary outlooks regarding their own life and their family’s lives.

Searching for scriptural references regarding extraordinary or exceptional people, we find these phrases and descriptions: extraordinary plagues before the Exodus; Isaiah talks about God’s extraordinary work; Daniel is said to have extraordinary spirit and wisdom; Paul performed extraordinary miracles; and the natives on Malta showed extraordinary kindness to the shipwrecked crew and Paul by kindling a warming fire for them.

The last reference to extraordinary kindness to Paul got my attention. The natives of Malta weren’t “church-going folk.” They lived in an environment where sea related storms evidently tempered their outlook on life. They didn’t see the 276 survivors of this ship bound for Rome as invaders. They saw 276 traumatized and wet people whose first need was warmth to recover from their ordeal. These folks on Malta had a heart that enabled them to welcome, feed and entertain these survivors.

When the people saw that a venomous snake bite didn’t kill Paul, they realized that he was someone special (extraordinary). In these unfolding events, their act of kindness to all the shipwrecked crew was rewarded by Paul’s healing many sick people on Malta. God took a tragedy (a need for benevolence) and turned it into an event for healing.

The things we do here at Singing Oaks are very similar to what the kind folks on this small, Mediterranean island did for Paul and the ship’s crew. Our ability to help is small in comparison to Paul’s. We can’t solve every problem that comes to us, but we do offer what help we can. We listen; we pray; and we treat everyone not as problem people, but as people with problems. This is where recognition of the extraordinary outlook of the people surfaces. The vast majority of people always thanks us and expresses their faith that, in some way, the Lord will help them out of their current crisis. It would be wonderful to solve every problem, but our goal is to help folks feel a little better after they leave than when they came in, and ultimately, we want them to know that we care.

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McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



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9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

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6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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