Why Guilt Is…A Good Thing

When I typed in why guilt is… into the Google search bar the top results were: why guilt is bad, why guilt is good, why guilt is unhealthy, why guilt is better than shame, and why guilt is pointless. So what do you think about guilt? For me the search results say something troubling about our country when four out of five auto-fill answers (which happen to be the most searched questions) justify a lack of guilt. But how do guilt and Christianity relate?

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Jesús nos dice que seamos pescadores de hombres y es probablemente una de las labores más importantes que nos ha dado como seguidores de Cristo. ¿Pero cuál es la mejor manera de llevar esto acabo?

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Jesus tells us to be a fisher of men and that is probably one of the most important tasks he has charged us with as followers of Christ. But what is the best way to go about this?

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Tenerlo Todo

Esta frase se ha convertido en el lema de la sociedad de hoy. Cuando se dice, generalmente se refiere en término al sueño de alguien de tener una vida perfectamente balanceada y poder hacer todo lo que uno quiere, especialmente cuando se refiere a cosas mundanas. Lo mismo se puede decir también de la comunidad Cristiana. En la cultura Cristiana, tenerlo todo quiere decir tener la familia y tiempo perfecto de acuerdo a Dios todos los días. Sin embargo, parte de ser un cristiano es saber que tu vida no será perfecta. Esto parece contradictorio a lo que dijo Jesús, “Al que cree, todo le es posible.”

En esto está la discrepancia. ¿Qué quiere decir con “todo”? El diccionario define todo como lo que existe en su totalidad, o el total en relación al sujeto. En la cultura de hoy, muchos usan la primera definición como su justificación a su estilo de vida. Sin embargo, la segunda definición de esto es más a lo que Jesús se refería. Si comenzamos a definir todo como el total en relación al sujeto, todo el estrés del sentir la necesidad de ser perfecto se desvanece. Esta ideología trae paz a la vida de uno y la necesidad de aprobación de todos, disminuye.

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Having It All

This phrase has become the motto of today’s society. When said, it is generally meant as a term to refer to someone’s dream of having a perfectly balanced life and being able to do everything one wants, especially when it comes to worldly things. The same can also be said for the Christian community. In the Christian culture, having it all means having the perfect godly family and time with God every day. However, part of being a Christian is, knowing that your life won’t be perfect. This seems contradictory to what Jesus said, “Everything is possible for those who believe.”

Therein lies the discrepancy. What does he mean by ‘everything’? Webster’s Dictionary defines everything as all that exists, or all that relates to the subject. In today’s culture many use the first definition as their justification for their lifestyle. However, the second definition of this is most likely the one Jesus meant. If we begin to define everything as all that relates to the subject all the stress of feeling the need to be perfect melts away. This ideology brings peace to one’s life and the need for everyone’s approval is diminished.

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baby dedication

McKinney at Cardinal

101 Cardinal Drive
Denton, TX 76209



Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 - Worship (English Service)
10:10 - Bible Class (Birth to 8th grade following the Kid's church time until the end of service)
11:00 - Worship (Spanish Service)

Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 - Celebrate Recovery

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